#language en Current idea: southern tip of Crawfish Lake. It's right near an existing logging road, right near a freshwater source, right near the "airstrip", pretty near the ocean without being on the beach (for shipping), and Chris seems to think he can land on the lake with our target plane size. In particular, the ~~200m by ~~200m patch of logged land at https://maps.google.com/?q=49.6785,-126.8223&t=h&z=14 would be a good location for an initial settlement. It is roughly the size of Beechwood Plaza (Erb and Fischer-Hallman), which would provide enough space for a decent-sized apartment complex (at least 20 1-bedroom units per floor) plus several smaller buildings and a decent-sized open/park space. This plot is directly adjacent to Crawfish Lake making it easy to get fresh water. At higher floors in an apartment building, one would likely have a direct view over the trees down Calvin Creek to the ocean. The land is at an elevation between 70m and 90m, which protects it from tsunamis and rising sea levels. The adjacent logged area at https://maps.google.com/?q=49.6755,-126.8200&t=h&z=14 may also be useful, but further from Crawfish Lake and of a less ideal shape (long and narrow), though it is closer to a main road (good and bad: easier to travel, but more likely to be bothered by loggers). Note that both plots are about 4km from the Crawfish Lake air strip, which is a bit of a trek. Also, the age of the satellite imagery is unclear so there may be new trees in that area or larger logged areas by now. ---- CategoryNootkaProject