Use WikiName``s instead of URLs when linking to a page within the wiki.


[DIFF] 18:43 Info 108
[DIFF] 01:06 Info Antispam subsystem
[DIFF] 17:08 Info ossguy [1-4] #01 Fix link to map attachment
#02 Fix some links/grammar and add Seawaymax reference
#03 Add "Transporting supplies" section with filled-in Air and Water subsections
#04 Add description/purpose line
[DIFF] 14:40 Info ossguy [1-2] #01 Link to attached PDF map with more land features
#02 Upload of attachment 'NootkaProject22.pdf '.
[DIFF] 21:42 Info ossguy [1-3] #01 Add approach video into Louie Bay Lagoon
#02 Add "Approach videos" section and import link from main page
#03 Add description/purpose line
[DIFF] 20:06 Info ossguy [1-3] #01 Add language and CategoryNootkaProjec t
#02 Add "Satellite imagery" section along with some age data
#03 Add description/purpose line
[DIFF] 18:27 Info Singpolyma fix icon
[DIFF] 21:40 Info ossguy [1-2]
Singpolyma [3]
#01 Fix grammar/add clarity in view sentence
#02 Add specific plot of land details
#03 Create page
[DIFF] 16:10 Info Singpolyma Create page
[DIFF] 15:26 Info Singpolyma Describe some TODOs
[DIFF] 15:02 Info Singpolyma
[DIFF] 17:06 Info Singpolyma clean up main page
[DIFF] 03:13 Info bas2-guelph22-1176201070 [1-2] #01 Typo: parliamentary
#02 Typo: man -> may


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